Kick-off meeting in Germany
Purpose of the DESSIN kick-off meeting between the German project partners UFT Umwelt- und Fluid-Technik and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) was to determine the status quo and to prepare the starting actions for their participation in the DESSIN project.
The meeting took place in Bad Mergentheim (Germany) on the 20th of March and was attended by five participants from UFT and UDE. A short introduction on lamella settlers in general was given by Gebhard Weiß from UFT and results of a recent research project on a different type of lamella settlers (counter-flow) were discussed. Concept, design and first results of the model test rig, which is finished and ready to run for DESSIN, were explained. Next steps by UFT are the performance of more tests, the improvement of the test methods and a thorough evaluation of the test results. UDE is going to build a numerical model of the experimental rig for 3-D flow visualisation.