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DESSIN scientists participated in workshop on joint and coordinated use of surface water and groundwater in Spain

barc1The aim of the workshop that was organized by FCIHS, the International Centre of Hydrogeology on the 14th May in Barcelona, Spain was to share experiences of joint and coordinated use of surface water and groundwater. The flexible use of surface water and groundwater is typical in arid regions with irregular water resources. The main advantage of this flexible management in the use of sources is a stronger resources warranty and less investment costs in hydraulic infrastructures. At the workshop, some examples were presented, starting with the most relevant cases in Spain located in the Mediterranean coastal area.

At some point, Mr. Jose Mesa from Aigües de Barcelona (third party of the DESSIN project) presented the strategy of the management of alternative water resources in the Llobregat Area. This area is characterised by a weak balance between surface resources (612 Mm3/year) and the water demand (640 Mm3/year). The Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system was presented to the audience as one of the most ancient techniques operating in the area (1969). Thanks to the starting DESSIN project, a new scheme of operation will be tested to allow the reduction of the injection costs and to make this activity more efficient.

The workshop was attended by 70 people from the scientific community, public administration and private companies. The workshop concluded with a visit to one of the most representative wells for the Barcelona’s water supply: Fives Lille well, managed by Aigües de Barcelona, which helped attendants to understand the importance of the ASR system in Barcelona.


Workshop participants at Fives Lille