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DESSIN presented at Spanish water workshop

blogsmallAt the beginning of April, Ester Vilanova from DESSIN partner Amphos 21 presented an overview of the DESSIN project at a workshop in Madrid, Spain that was organized by the Spanish technological water platform (PTEA). The aim of the workshop, which was attended by approximately 150 research technicians from industry, universities and research centres, was to encourage the active participation of Spanish companies of the water sector in research and innovative projects at national and international level.

The first part of the workshop included a description of national and international research funding programs and offered information on how to make a good proposal. The second part was focused on recently approved projects of the Inno-Water-Demo call, such as DESSIN. In total, seven of the eleven funded projects were presented to the audience, highlighting the aspects that were well rated by EC evaluators.

DESSIN was presented as one of the selected projects because of its well organization and the objectives addressed. About half on the audience were companies from the water sector that can uptake the outputs of DESSIN. Furthermore, information about the event including a summary of the workshop was sent to all Spanish Water Platform Members and the DESSIN presentation now is available in the internal intranet. CDTI, the Spanish funding institution and EC contact point was also present in this workshop.


Ester Vilanova presenting DESSIN at workshop in Spain