Internal DESSIN meeting took place in Athens
Almost 50 people from the DESSIN project participated in the Work Area (WA) 2 & WA3 coordination meeting at the EYDAP – Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company headquarters in Athens at the 3rd and 4th of November.
The combined DESSIN WA2/WA3 meeting was initiated to discuss the progress of the activities in WA2 and WA3, and to define actions and goals for the next months of the project. It was also organised with the intention to give the researchers in WA2 and WA3 the opportunity to meet each other and look for common issues and options for collaboration.
During the preparations of the meeting, it was concluded that the research (WA2) and demonstration (WA3) activities are strongly linked to the development of the Ecosystem Services Framework in WA1, as this should be applied for each of the pilot cases. Therefore, it was decided to include a dedicated session on WA1 developments at Day 2 of the meeting. The activities and partners involved in WA2/WA3, are also strongly related to activities in Work Package (WP) 42 (specifically solution packages for SMEs). For that reason, a link to WP42 was included as well to discuss opportunities for market uptake. At the end of Day 2 there also was a meeting of the Work Area management team.
Athens was chosen as location, as this gave the opportunity to visit the decentralised waste water treatment pilot at Metamorfosi (Athens). The meeting location and logistics were organised by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and EYDAP. EYDAP also offered access to their waste water facilities, where the DESSIN pilot takes place.
Field Trip
On the second day of the meeting, the participants visited the DESSIN pilot site in Athens, which is located at KEREFYT, the Sanitary Engineering Research and Development Center of EYDAP.
There was the chance to see the automated packaged treatment plant in place, while the representative of Chemitec, the company that manufactures the plant, presented the two components of the system; the Reverse Osmosis container and the Membrane Bio-Reactor container. He explained how sewage will be extracted from the network and presented the urban green space that will be irrigated with the reclaimed water. The ICT components of the system are to be adjusted soon to the plant in support of its operation and monitoring. A devoted office building in close proximity to the plant will serve as meeting room and computer room where the monitoring web-platform of the developed solution will be demonstrated. Finally, the participants visited the centre’s laboratory, where a representative of EYDAP presented the quality testing process and equipment that will also be employed for testing purposes of the Athens pilot.