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News from DESSIN partner Emschergenossenschaft

emscherkleinOn the 11th of August the Emschergenossenschaft, the University of Duisburg-Essen and UFT visited two potential demo sites for the operation of the decentralized water treatment technology, as planned within the project work package 31. The experimental cross-flow lamella settler unit, produced by UFT, will be located in a movable container and will be tested in the Emscher catchment throughout 1 year. The sedimentation efficiency of the technology will be tested at a Combined Sewer Overflow to show its suitability as an additional cleaning facility. Following the demo phase, the container will be transported to Norway and will be tested for another year at the Hoffselva demo site.


A CSO in the Emscher catchment as a potential demo site for the lamella settler


Also, a field excursion through the Emscher catchment took place on the 15th and 16th of September with partners from the Emschergenossenschaft, the University of Duisburg-Essen, IWW and adelphi. Several stream sites in 3 sub-catchments of the Emscher river were visited. For those partners not familiar with the very unique character and the history of the Emscher area it was a valuable opportunity to get an impression of the system. For those partners that will actually determine Ecosystem Services (ESS) in the Emscher catchment as part of work package 13, the field trip allowed to get an overview of the tributaries of the Emscher river, of the various stream types, restoration methods and developmental stages. As a next step, the project partners will discuss which of the sites can serve as exemplary streams for the calculation of ESS.

A restored Emscher section