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D42.1 Market analysis for ESS software and solution packages (internal)

D42.1 Market analysis for ESS software and solution packages (internal)
  • Version Final
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  • File Size 1,90 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date March 9, 2015
  • Last Updated March 9, 2015
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Only for internal use - confidential document

This report is part of DESSIN’s work package 42, the route to market. It was developed to inform technology-driven SMEs that provide ecosystem services (ESS)-relevant products or services in the water sector of the steps necessary to conduct a market analysis and market entry study. The starting point of this “inside-out report” approach is their own company and characteristics of their product/services and innovation capacities (inside) in view of market dynamics and market demand (outside).

The report follows three key steps: 1. Internal assessment (operating characteristics, core competencies and value proposition, readiness assessment); 2. Market analysis (understanding the customer landscape, defining the most promising market, analysing the micro-environment); 3. Market entry strategy (preparing for market entry, planning and strategy, implementation).

The inside-out approach is complemented by two outside-in reports or business environment reports that focus on the bigger picture and market conditions specific to the DESSIN context. This report shows the general inside-out approach. It will be further detailed out with individual SMEs as part of WP42.2. Also, further integration of ESS and software aspects will be included as part of the practical application (WP42.2) once available.

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