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DESSIN Westland showcase on Youtube

KWR - ondergrondse waterbergingSea level rise, soil subsidence and prolonging periods of droughts increasingly put a strain on the availability of fresh water in delta areas. The Waterbuffer Showcase, which is situated in the Greenport Westland in the Netherlands, demonstrates various small scale subsoil solutions that contribute to a more sustainable fresh water supply, especially in coastal areas. More information on the projects and techniques can be found here.

At Westland, the DESSIN project will demonstrate the potential to further improve the efficiency of freshwater supply from brackish aquifers by combining aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) solutions and desalinization with an innovative well design. This will have a strong impact in particular on provisioning ecosystem services (ESS) of the region.

Here is a Youtube-video that introduces the showcase the solutions that are being tested there.