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Public meeting at Hoffselva demo site

Olso1The installation of the high-rate filtration unit at Hoffselva demo site took place in February 2015, and Oslo VAV arranged a public meeting to inform the local community and neighbours about the project and upcoming activities. Prior to the meeting, Oslo VAV announced the meeting with posters and letters to the closest neighbours, including information about the DESSIN project in general. One representative from Oslo VAV (site owner), one representative form Inrigo Water (technology provider) and two representatives from SINTEF (research partner) attended the meeting to answer possible questions. The information given by the posters and letters is considered highly important in order to inform the local community and neighbours about the project, what we are doing and why. Also giving the local community an opportunity to meet and discuss with involved partners is valuable.

The high-rate filtration unit arrives the Hoffselva site. Photo by Edvard Sivertsen, SINTEF

The high-rate filtration unit arrives the Hoffselva site. Photo by Edvard Sivertsen, SINTEF