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28.11.2017 Joint DESSIN Workshop on Ecosystem Services (ESS), Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Hybrid Grey-Green Infrastructure (HGGI) Brussels (Belgium) Yes Click


Related EU-Projects/Partners Logo (clickable)
DESSIN is a partner of the European research project OPERAS, which aims to bridge the gap between the science behind the ecosystem services concept and how it is implemented. Composed of 27 partners that include scientists, researchers and practitioners from a range of disciplines, OPERAS is working to establish the foundations of effective ecosystem governance. operas-main-logo
DESSIN is a partner of the European research project OpenNESS, which aims to translate the concepts of natural capital and ecosystem services into operational frameworks that provide tested, practical and tailored solutions for integration into land, water and urban management and decision-making. The work will, amongst other things, deliver an interactive online application, aiming to be a knowledge broker for all those that want to turn ecosystem services and natural capital into practice. OpenNESS_LOGO